Benefit of Onions _ Health Benefit of Onions.

Benefit of Onions:

Onion has special benefits as a spice in cooking. People from almost all countries use onions when cooking. Onions have many qualities and health benefits.

A large onion contains 7.8 percent water, 1.2 percent protein, 11.6 percent Carbohydrates, 0.17 percent calcium, 0.04 percent phosphorus and 0.6 percent iron. Onions contribute a lot to prevent various diseases and infections.

Here are some health benefits of onion:

1. Prevents Diabetes: Onions help prevent diabetes by increasing the body's insulin. It also helps keep blood sugar levels right.

2. To Reduce Cholesterol: Onions are rich in sulfur, potassium, vitamin-B and vitamin-C. Which helps reduce cholesterol. It is low in fat, cholesterol and sodium.

3. To Relieve Fever, Cold and Cough: Fever, cold, cough, sore throat, allergies etc. can be eliminated very quickly by onion. Mixing honey with onion juice cures the disease immediately. To get rid of such diseases, mix one teaspoon of onion juice with one teaspoon of honey and drink it.

4. To Stop Nasal Bleeding: If there is bleeding through the nose, if you inhale a piece of onion in front of the nose, the bleeding will stop. Or 3-4 drops of onion juice is given to the nose to stop the bleeding.

5. To Overcome Sleep Problems: If those who have sleep problems get in the habit of eating onions every day, their sleep problems will definitely go away.

6. Solve Digestive Problems: Onions can improve the digestive system. For those who have digestive problems, it is cured by increasing the digestive juice as a result of eating onions.

7. To Heal Wounds: Applying onion juice on the burnt area, on the place where the insect bites, can get rid of it quickly. However, planting onions in the wound area increases the irritation.

8. Prevents Cancer: Onions help prevent cancer. It helps in eliminating head, neck and colon cancer.

9. In Pain Relief: Onions can be used to relieve any pain in the body. For this, onion should be fried with sesame oil or castor oil. Then put it in the place of pain, the pain will be reduced. It plays an effective role in relieving rheumatic inflammation.

10. To Remove Dark Spots on The Skin: Mix equal amount of onion and turmeric juice together and apply on the skin to remove dark spots on the skin. Use at least twice a week, the black spots will go away.

11. Beneficial to the teeth: Onion juice is very useful in solving various types of dental diseases. Onions should be eaten daily to prevent tooth decay.

12. For The Benefit of Ears and Eyes: Onion juice is used to treat ear and eye problems. Onions should be eaten regularly to maintain good hearing and eyesight.

13. To Regenerate Body Cells: Onions rejuvenate body tissues. So the role of onion in the benefit of the body is a lot.

14. To Enhance Memory: Onions increase the efficiency of the nervous system. Take the onion as well as your favorite food for good memory and powerful nervous system.

15. To Prevent Hair Fall : Use onion juice on the scalp to prevent hair loss. Onions are very effective in preventing hair loss. Apply onion juice on the scalp and wash off after 30 minutes. Use at least twice a week, hair fall will be reduced. It helps new hair to grow.

16. Increasing Insulin : Onions help the body increase insulin. It lowers blood sugar and helps control diabetes.

17. Bee Bites : use crushing or chopping onions in place of bee bites it will prevent irritation and protect against any allergic side effects caused by bee bites.

18. Increases Sexual Ability: Onions help increase sexual potency. Drinking at least one cup of onion juice every day increases sexual potency. Drink half the amount of black cumin juice mixed with onion juice, you will get quick benefits.

19. Beneficial for the Heart : Onion prevents blood from clotting and lowers blood cholesterol. Onions increase the efficiency of the heart.

20. Prevent Jaundice: Soaking one-fourth of an onion in lemon juice overnight and eating it in the morning can help prevent jaundice.

21. To Keep The Kidneys Healthy: Kidney benefits can be obtained by mixing sugar with onion juice.

22. Protect From Heatstroke: Heatstroke can be extremely dangerous if not treated at the right time. In case of such a stroke, squeezing the onion on the legs and behind the neck has a cold effect on the body. Which protects against stroke.

23. Purifies The Body: Onions are rich in natural sulfur compounds which are extremely beneficial for the body. Sulfur contains amino acids found in garlic and eggs. These elements release the body from various harmful metals. Onions contain vitamin C which purifies the body and protects the body from lead, arsenic and cadmium.

24. Eliminates Dandruff: Dandruff is eliminated by using onion juice on the scalp. Apply onion juice on the scalp and wash off after 30 minutes or when it is dry. Use at least twice a week to get better results.

25. Increases Bone Density: Onion leaves contain high levels of vitamin C and K which are very important for bones. Vitamin C strengthens bones in combination with collagen. Vitamin K plays a major role in maintaining bone density.

Last word: Eat fresh and chemical free vegetables, fruits and nutritious food to stay healthy. Thanks. 

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